Picture of Vancouver from Nancy & Shawn's Wedding Day Helicopter Ride

Ten things you must do and must see in Vancouver

Over the past few weeks since we launched our official Cruise blog here at NancyandShawnPower.com we’ve been writing about some of the places we’ve traveled to like Alaska, Asia, Europe, etc.

Picture of Vancouver from Nancy & Shawn's Wedding Day Helicopter Ride
Here’s a shot of Vancouver from a Helicopter Ride we did on our Wedding Day

We figured today though, why not share a little about where we live… now we don’t live right downtown Vancouver these days as we did for the past 4 years (we’re about 1.5 hours away) but we’re still always there and since it’s voted as a world class city to visit (and live) again and again and again we figured why not share a little about one of the world’s favorite cities and tell you about the…

…Ten things you must do and must see in Vancouver.

(FYI, did you know Vancouver is the major Cruise Port for Alaska Cruises?)

To do this though we figured, let’s let a fellow travel blogger tell the story as it’s always good for our readers to see & hear it from a visitors perspective. 🙂

This article is by Keith Jenkins who runs Velvet Escape Travel Blog.

We follow and like Keith’s stuff as his goal, like ours, is to share his enthusiasm and experience of the places he’s traveled, ideally inspiring his readers to travel as well and to be curious about the world and open minded about other people, places and cultures…

…oh ya, he always has lots of great pictures in his posts too… we like that! 🙂

And this blog post is great because in our experience of living in Vancouver for many years…

…he hits all the main things you’d want to do and see in Vancouver when visiting.

So without further ado, here’s Keith’s blog post on Vancouver


By the way, did you know many people who visit Vancouver end up doing so to start/end a Cruise to Beautiful Alaska… one of the most popular Cruise destinations in the World! Did you also know that Shawn is an Expert when it comes to Cruising & Touring in Alaska, having done so himself 4 times personally? When you’re ready to take that “Dream Cruise Vacation” to Alaska, make sure to contact Shawn to help you plan & book it.

We appreciate You.

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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