Desirable Cruse Vacation

Enjoy Desirable Experiences While On Vacation… & Avoid Undesirable Ones!

Desirable Cruse Vacation

As you probably already know, we are very well traveled. Click here to see all our 38 Cruises to date. (FYI, we’re on Cruise # 39 as we speak, a River Cruise in Myanmar/Burma, and our next blog post will be our review from this trip)

Actually, it may have been ONE of the reasons you choose to do business with us, because we have taken more Cruise vacations then most people you know.

And Yes! We took all those vacations just for YOU! 🙂

OK, not entirely.

B-U-T we are over-the-moon passionate about traveling & Cruising to as many destinations & having as many cultural experiences as possible in our lifetime…

…WHICH just so happens to extend into our business, our knowledge AND our ability to steer you toward the best Cruise for you based on your needs.

The combination is perfect!

And we sincerely appreciate all the fantastic feedback & Testimonies from you about how much you appreciate our expertise and the fact that we have “been there and done that Cruise already”… which is entirely our goal and our catch phrase on our website…

…to be Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

All that said, some of our vacations have lead to bad experiences & “lessons learned the hard way” too. But the secret is all about getting the most “desirable experiences” while on vacation.

Last week we came across this fantastic video done by Monograms (Independent Vacation Package specialists who are owned by the same company who own Avalon River Cruises) and we wanted to share it with you.

It REALLY elaborates on the words “desirable” & “not-so-desirable” when it comes to vacations.

Which would you choose?

Check it out below:

Now, although we can sell Monograms Vacations to you it’s not our specialty like River Cruises & Ocean cruises are but the point of the video was to show you that when you do a vacation RIGHT the bang-up memories you create will last forever and when you do it wrong- same thing… the memories of THAT will last forever too… and not in a good way.

So whether you travel with Monograms, Avalon River cruises or another great River Crusieline or Ocean Cruiseline the point is you won’t be “going it on your own” to save a few bucks and if done right, 5 years from now you’ll in no way remember what you paid for a particular vacation but for sure you’ll remember if it was a great one or not.

So, we hope you enjoyed today’s lesson on how important it is to get the RIGHT advice & make the RIGHT decisions when planning your next special vacation and if we can be a part of that in any way we’re happy to help & share our knowledge & passion for travel.

Happy Travels!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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Interested in taking a River Cruise, Ocean Cruise or Tauck Land Tour? Contact Shawn and he can help you with your planning & booking of your next great Vacation!